A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

Category Psychology

Can Ideas Change The World?

I love ideas. I always have. But I often wonder, is it worth spending a significant amount of time arguing for ideas that I consider to be true and important? After all, what is the point? Can ideas really change… Continue Reading →

Human Nature And The Covid Scam

2022 was the year where the Covid hysteria finally made room for some rational analysis. Most people had enough. In many countries, a debate has started of what went wrong. Unfortunately, Malta is not one of those countries. Here, the… Continue Reading →

In Defence of Principles

Every political movement appears to be split into an idealistic and a pragmatic wing. That is not to say that everyone falls exactly into one of these two categories. It is more a scale than a binary system. However, few… Continue Reading →

A Defence of Political Correctness

Libertarians seem to hate Political Correctness (PC). A lot of them see it as a statist ideology that needs to be fought. Certainly, PC has become a political tool for censorship. There are now laws in place that punish people… Continue Reading →

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