Israel has been a crazy project from the beginning. Given their history, I understand the desire of Jews to have a place where they can protect themselves. However, if this was the main objective, it is difficult to understand why… Continue Reading →
I have made it very clear that I am a big critic of western foreign policy in Ukraine. While, I don’t approve of what Russia is doing, I do believe that the west wanted this war and is doing everything… Continue Reading →
So this time, London is the European city in the news with a terrorist attack. Once again, a lone nutter, acting on his own by using very simple means, has caused a nasty blood bath. From what we know so… Continue Reading →
The Israeli government is in the news again. Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of the jewish state, is angry at the Obama administration. Before christmas, the US government refused to veto a UN resolution which condemned the continuing building… Continue Reading →
The individual liberty of human beings stands above everything else. It is the mantra of all enemies of liberty to deny this simple judgement. They will tell you that there are others things, that are greater than the individual. Therefore,… Continue Reading →
‘Eye in the Sky’ is the latest Hollywood film dealing with the wars of the American Empire. This one however, is a bit different. Other than the usual military glorification that we have seen in films like “American Sniper” or… Continue Reading →
Admittedly, I have very little faith in violence as a problem solving tool in general. But I am not a pacifist. I do believe there is a time to fight back. If someone shoots at you, you certainly have every… Continue Reading →
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