Bob Murphy dedicated an episode of his podcast arguing in favour of intelligent design (ID). The evolution vs intelligent design debate is very old. I was really interested in it when I was a teenager. However, I have not paid… Continue Reading →
I love ideas. I always have. But I often wonder, is it worth spending a significant amount of time arguing for ideas that I consider to be true and important? After all, what is the point? Can ideas really change… Continue Reading →
One of the very good developments of the last 10 years has been the explosion of alternative media. More and more people are realising that the established newspapers and TV channels are giving them very bad information. Particularly people who… Continue Reading →
Abortion is a hot topic again in the US. The supreme court just overturned the Roe vs Wade verdict from 1973 which gave women a right in the whole US to be able to have an abortion. This new ruling… Continue Reading →
The attacks on critics of the draconian government policies to control the spread of Covid19 are getting more aggressive by the day. We are witnessing one of the biggest propaganda campaigns in history. Particularly painful is to see some former… Continue Reading →
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” From the Preamble of the… Continue Reading →
Every political movement appears to be split into an idealistic and a pragmatic wing. That is not to say that everyone falls exactly into one of these two categories. It is more a scale than a binary system. However, few… Continue Reading →
Libertarians tend to think that taxation is theft. Taking someone’s private property by force can hardly be called anything else, right? And yet, most people seem to find this argument rather unconvincing. Many probably have never thought about this issue… Continue Reading →
This week, Anjem Choudary was convicted in the UK for supporting ISIS. He is facing up to 10 years in prison. I am not familiar with all the details of the case. Maybe he did more than just preach. But… Continue Reading →
‘Eye in the Sky’ is the latest Hollywood film dealing with the wars of the American Empire. This one however, is a bit different. Other than the usual military glorification that we have seen in films like “American Sniper” or… Continue Reading →
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