A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

Author Nico Metten

Podcast – Who Is The People

About That German Open Border Policy

I was born and raised in Germany, and I lived there for the first 28 years of my life. That is not to say that I feel particularly German. I have always been an individualist. What ties me to Germany… Continue Reading →

Why Islam Haters are a Problem

So this time, London is the European city in the news with a terrorist attack. Once again, a lone nutter, acting on his own by using very simple means, has caused a nasty blood bath. From what we know so… Continue Reading →

The US President is not a CEO

It has been a few weeks since Donald Trump moved into the White House. So far, his administration appears to be a little bit chaotic, to say the least. During his campaign he ran on a populist platform. That means… Continue Reading →

The Housing Bubble in Britain

This country is mad about property. I realised this very early on when I moved here from Germany. Before I came, I cannot recall ever having had a serious conversation with anyone about buying property. That is not to say… Continue Reading →

In Defence of Principles

Every political movement appears to be split into an idealistic and a pragmatic wing. That is not to say that everyone falls exactly into one of these two categories. It is more a scale than a binary system. However, few… Continue Reading →

Podcast – Daniel Kahneman’s case against the human race LibertarianAlliance

Greater Israel Means The End Of The Jewish State

The Israeli government is in the news again. Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of the jewish state, is angry at the Obama administration. Before christmas, the US government refused to veto a UN resolution which condemned the continuing building… Continue Reading →

Podcast – Norman Angell and the Abolition of War LibertarianAlliance

Trump’s Economic Policy Cannot Work

It has been a few weeks since Trump won the US Presidential elections. A lot of people still seem to be shocked by his victory. I was unpleased but not surprised that he won. I even almost broke my no… Continue Reading →

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