While the bankruptcy of Greece is now more and more apparent even to those who believed that states cannot go bankrupt, the Euro as a currency is seen in a more and more critical light. Even a lot of people… Continue Reading →
If anyone still believes that our democratically elected governments are morally any better than any other government the current uprising of the people in Egypt should open your eyes. Hosni Mubarak, the current dictator in Egypt has been a long… Continue Reading →
People in many western countries used to feel very save about their governments. We live in a democracy, the highest form of organizing a society. All the evil violations of human rights are ancient history. The western style democracy are… Continue Reading →
“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and… Continue Reading →
The essence of the vast majority of government programs is to solve problems that either are no problems or are problems that only exist because of other government programs. Politicians mostly create the problems that justify their existence themselves. The… Continue Reading →
US President Barack Obama has signed a one-year extension of several provisions in the nation’s main counterterrorism law, the Patriot Act. That is really change we can believe in. Welcome to the crazy world of politics in which up is… Continue Reading →
What a sad video of a Ron Paul speech addressing the US congress. It is not sad because he says anything wrong. Quite the contrary, I could not agree more with him. It is said, that this speech seems to… Continue Reading →
I don’t know what to think about conspiracy theories. First of all, I am confused about what this term really means. Without thinking too much about it I would have said that a conspiracy is when a group of people… Continue Reading →
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