A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

Tag Immigration

Libertarianism, Open Borders and Intellectual Honesty

Immigration remains a huge topic in the western world. The scale and quality of immigrants reaching western countries has lead to a true crisis in many places. The hallmarks of this crisis are cultural clashed, economic damage through large welfare… Continue Reading →

Podcast – A Brief History Of Migration

Lew Rockwell’s Problem with Freedom

Lew Rockwell is a big name in the libertarian movement. He was close to Murry Rothbard, worked for Ron Paul early on and most importantly he founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn Alabama of which he is still… Continue Reading →

Soviet Migration Chaos

In many ways, Europe seems to be in a crises at the moment. Economic problems of some EU states, most importantly Greece have been constantly in the news over the past few years and no end is in side. The… Continue Reading →

Debunking Hoppe on Immigration

Hans-Hermann Hoppe is known for his skepticism of open borders. He thinks that open borders are inconsistent with libertarian principals. Therefore, real libertarians have to oppose this policy, at least as long as the state exists. I think Hoppe is… Continue Reading →

The Economics of Intolerance

Libertarianism is advocating to maximize the liberty of individuals. The idea is that every person should have the right to be left alone as much as that is practically possible. Originally, I was under the impression that Libertarians must be… Continue Reading →

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