Throughout history, there has been more and less free societies. People have always fought for freedom. But even in the examples of relatively free societies, there never seems to have been a point where we could lay back and declare… Continue Reading →
In our society, democracy is a universally positive concept. Many people use it synonymously with freedom. It is a common believe that tyranny and democracy do not go together. Remarkably, this positive image can prevail, despite the fact that most… Continue Reading →
This week, Anjem Choudary was convicted in the UK for supporting ISIS. He is facing up to 10 years in prison. I am not familiar with all the details of the case. Maybe he did more than just preach. But… Continue Reading →
Lew Rockwell is a big name in the libertarian movement. He was close to Murry Rothbard, worked for Ron Paul early on and most importantly he founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn Alabama of which he is still… Continue Reading →
Here is an issue that I am struggling with at the moment. Imagine we live in a libertarian society. Everyone owns themselves and their private property. Everyone is able to make contracts with others on the basis of this property…. Continue Reading →
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