A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

Author Nico Metten

Dismantling The Basic Income Proposal

Basic income is an idea that is being discussed in many countries and political circles at the moment. The idea is to give every citizen of a state a certain amount of money, unconditionally every month. It is in essence… Continue Reading →

The Collateral Damage Problem in “Eye in the Sky”

‘Eye in the Sky’ is the latest Hollywood film dealing with the wars of the American Empire. This one however, is a bit different. Other than the usual military glorification that we have seen in films like “American Sniper” or… Continue Reading →

Panama Papers – An Attack on Liberty

The Panama Papers are a gigantic leak of 2.6 Terabytes that is making the news all over the globe at the moment. We have not heart much about who the person behind the leak is, nor have we heart a… Continue Reading →

Tyranny Through Transparency

In the generation of my grandparents, it was almost common sense to have an offshore bank account with some money in it that no government new about. This was not so much to avoid taxes. They grew up in the… Continue Reading →

Some Thoughts on Racism

It seems that calling someone a racist these days is one of the fastest ways to discredit that person’s opinions. That is why, for a lot of people, “playing the race card” is nothing but an ad hominem attack. It… Continue Reading →

Heretical Thoughts on Libertarian Philosophy

There are various theories attempting to explain or justify Libertarianism. There are many important and influential thinkers in this movement, including people like Ayn Rand, Robert Nozick, David Friedman and of course Murray Rothbard. They have developed different schools of… Continue Reading →

War Is The Enemy Of Liberty

Admittedly, I have very little faith in violence as a problem solving tool in general. But I am not a pacifist. I do believe there is a time to fight back. If someone shoots at you, you certainly have every… Continue Reading →

Lew Rockwell’s Problem with Freedom

Lew Rockwell is a big name in the libertarian movement. He was close to Murry Rothbard, worked for Ron Paul early on and most importantly he founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn Alabama of which he is still… Continue Reading →

Why “Accumulating Wealth” is Wrong

Last week I went to a humanist event on Human Rights. There were two speakers exploring the topic of whether human rights are universal or not. One of them was a young sociologist who argued for a relativist position. While… Continue Reading →

Is Specific Performance an Argument against Libertarianism?

Here is an issue that I am struggling with at the moment. Imagine we live in a libertarian society. Everyone owns themselves and their private property. Everyone is able to make contracts with others on the basis of this property…. Continue Reading →

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