Liberating Thoughts

A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

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Taking Sides In The Ukraine War

There is a general tendency in politics to describe the world in a simplistic black and white model. One has to either be with the Tories or Labour, Republicans or Democrats, with the left or the right etc. Whatever side… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on the Russia/Ukraine War

So, Putin did it. He showed strength by invading Ukraine. Like most others, I was shocked by that move. I did expect a harsh reaction from Moscow to the constant provocations, but an outright invasion seems like an insane move…. Continue Reading →

Should Putin Be Stopped To Invade Ukraine?

The Covid scare seems to be coming to an end. That represents a huge problem for the powers that be. Covid was great for them. Governments love a good scare story. It allows them to accumulate a lot of power…. Continue Reading →

Elon Musk – The Biggest Con Man Of All Time

Elon Musk is now the richest man on the planet. As I write this, his net worth is estimated to be around $280 billion. Time magazine made him the person of the year 2021. He has a huge fan base… Continue Reading →

Covid 19 – Conspiracy or Not?

It has now been one and a half years since the Covid terror started in the western world. From the start, I have written extensively about what I think about this crisis. I have little to add to that. A… Continue Reading →

One Major Flaw In The Lockdown/Mass Vaccination Strategy

There are many mistakes in the lockdown/mass vaccination strategy. One of the major flaws is to treat the virus as a fixed entity. Sure, there are viruses, like measles and rabies, that cannot change. But even with these viruses we… Continue Reading →

One Year of Viral Terror

It has now been one year since governments unleashed the Covid19 terror in the western and many other parts of the world. It is still not fully clear what exactly led to this disaster. And it is a disaster. In… Continue Reading →

Why Lockdowns Are Not Scientific

The attacks on critics of the draconian government policies to control the spread of Covid19 are getting more aggressive by the day. We are witnessing one of the biggest propaganda campaigns in history. Particularly painful is to see some former… Continue Reading →

A Nonpartisan Review Of Donald Trump’s Presidency

Trump’s presidency has ended after 4 years. He has been a very polarising President. I never was a Trump supporter. That is not saying much, as I generally tend to not like the people who get to the top of… Continue Reading →

Brian Micklethwait On How To Argue For Liberty

Throughout history, there has been more and less free societies. People have always fought for freedom. But even in the examples of relatively free societies, there never seems to have been a point where we could lay back and declare… Continue Reading →

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